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Business Screening Reports

For additional reports, contact your K-LAK Representative

Business Profile Report

K-LAK Corporation offer a Business Profile Report that is the most robust and comprehensive type of business evaluation.  The Business Credit Report presents a current and objective picture of how a business handles its financial obligations, including detailed trade lines and background information that is critical in assessing the credit worthiness of a business. 

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Federal Business Bankruptcy Report

K-LAK Corporation offers a Federal Business Bankruptcy report that is a Federal report listing businesses that have filed bankruptcy including:

  • Chapter 7
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 13 

Depending on which Chapter is filed; a Business can liquidate all of their assets or create a repayment plan to pay their debt.

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Federal Business Civil Report

K-LAK Corporation offers a comprehensive Federal Business Civil Record report. Records are not based on a nationwide search, but are recorded at each Federal district level. The Federal Business Civil Record must be searched per Federal District by name or case number.  The Federal Civil search is the district level for civil cases filed in the United States District Court.  The file contains civil docket summaries from 48 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Contact a K-LAK Corporation representative to discuss a full range of business screening services.

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